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Your PTSA continues to support our school incentive programs such as the Academic Achievement

Awards and the RAM Perks programs. These have been supported by monies raised by families

participating in the Kroger Community Rewards Program, Food City School Bucks Challenge and

Amazon Smile. Kroger, Food City and Amazon’s reward programs have earned our PTSA over $4900.00!

This money along with the funds raised during our donation drive allowed us to fulfill 16 of the 19 grant

requests we received from our Teachers and Staff during this year’s Teacher Request Program. We

raised $6600.00 and spent $6609.00 for supplemental STEM classroom equipment, afterschool clubs and programs, educational field trips, scholarships, academic achievement rewards and awards.




The RMS PTSA Donation Drive -

This year we have choose a "Duct Tape" Donation Drive. Why duct tape? Because if we reach our goal of $8000, students will be chosen at random and allowed to duct tape Dr. Renegar to the wall!

Starting today and through all next week, we'll be posting about WHAT HAPPENS WITH YOUR DONATION. The donation drive funds our Teacher Request Grant Program at RMS. The Teacher Requests help teachers pay for items in their classroom to supplement student learning, to help with field trip costs, and even provide student scholarships.

A very popular item among RMS teachers are Document Cameras. During the first quarter of this school year, we've purchased document cameras for 6 different classrooms. The document cameras are essentially a mini overhead projector. Mr. Livesay especially loves his document camera so he can record assembly instructions. He then uploads those videos to the students One Drive so they can have instruction whenever they need it!

We are so happy to be able to provide these items for our classrooms! Please consider sending in a donation next week and help us fund more STEM in our classrooms!


RMS PTSA provides the opportunity for you to show your school spririt by purchasing Spirit Gear.  Funds raised through the sale of spirit gear will be used to fund school spirit programs such as speakers and incentives prizes.  Last year, PTSA provided prizes at Rammaroo and brought Inky Johnson to speak to the students.


Click on the image to visit our online store:  



The Robertsville Middle School Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA) is part of the Tennessee and National Congresses of Parents and Teachers (PTAs).  As the largest volunteer child advocacy association in the nation, PTA reminds our country of its obligations to children and provides parents and families with a powerful voice to speak on behalf of every child while providing the best tools for parents to help their children be successful students.


Although part of the PTA and benefitting from the resources of the national and state organizations, the Robertsville PTSA has the freedom to choose what is important to us and our school.  Be a part of PTSA and help decide where our fundraising dollars are spent.  The $5 membership fee goes toward state and national dues and admistrative costs such as liability insurance, stamps, banking fees, and bookkeeping software.


Membership envelopes are in the back to school packets and a downloadable form is on the forms page.



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