"The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you."
- B.B. King
RMS PTSA consists of an Executive Committee, a Board of Managers, and the General Membership. We meet once a month while school is in session, except in December.
Our Principal Dr. Renegar and Vice-Principal Mrs. Free are part of our Executive Committee of Board of Managers. We also have a representative from Student Council on our board.
President, Jake Greear
President is in charge of all of our meetings. The president also coordinates the work of the other officers and committees.
Vice Presidents, Brenda Miller & Robbie Laney
The VP - membership position is in charge of all things membership. Getting membership envelopes printed, processing new memberships, sending out memberhsip cards and incentive awards, and sending in membership reports to the TN PTA state office are all duties of this position.
​Treasurer, Jim Kolpack
The treasurer's duties include developing the budget for approval by PTSA, coordinating the audit of the books and submitting the paperwork to TN PTA, preparing and submitting the appropriate paperwork/documentation to the IRS, paying invoices/check requests on behalf of PTSA, confirming the accuracy of all deposits, and providing monthly financial reporting to the RMS PTSA.
​Secretary, Traci Little-White
The Secretary keeps track of everything that happens at our meetings. From the minutes to the handouts, the Secretary has to keep a copy of everything.
PTA/PTO Council Representative
Want to get the latest Disctrict info first? This is the spot for you! The purpose of the PTA/PTO Council is to promote cooperation, communication, and understanding among schools and the Oak Ridge School District administration. It meets monthly, usually in the morning on the second Thursday of the month, and is comprised of the Superintendent of Schools and a parent representative from each school. Each PTA/PTO president is also part of the Council. Past members can attend as members-at-large as long as they have a student currently in the Oak Ridge School District.
​Fundraising Chair
Fulfilling our mission requires funds, and our fundraising chair coordinates all of the programs. Spirit gear, Fall Fundraiser for teacher requests, and dine out nights are all coordinated by the chair.
​Volunteer Development
We can't work without our many volunteers. This chairperson in charge of entering all of our volunteers' information from the orange sheets into a database so that we can search for just the right person or crew for the job.
Spirit Wear
Organize and manage merchandise by working with vendors pre-approved by the Board of Directors. Be accessible to sell merchandise at all major school functions. Not enter into any forms of contracts without the approval of the Board of Directors. Work within this local units annual budget. Be empowered to create a Spirit Wear Committee as needed; and Perform such other duties as may be provided by these bylaws, standing rules, parliamentary authority, or as directed by the Board of Directors.
Hospitality Committee
The hospitality committee is in charge of organizing the special meals for the faculty and staff throughout the year and buying a cake for the quarterly birthdays. Making sure there are enough supplies on hand, setting the menu, managing a sign up document, and shopping are a few of the duties.
​Reward Program Coordination
Outreach is what this Chair does from creating, copying and distributing flyers describing these fantastic programs, to meeting with local business to gain support for our many school wide incentive activities.
This position is currently available. The primary duty of the parliamentarian is to advise the presiding officer on questions of parliamentary procedure. These procedural rules are found in Robert's Rules of Order and basically cover effective meeting management. Understanding when to make a motion, how to make a motion, and how to discuss and pass a motion helps to keep meetings moving along.
Social Media Coordinators & Publicity
​RMS PTSA is working on better communication within our school family and with the community. Our publicity chair will be responsible for getting out the word about what is going on.
RAM Perks Coordinator
This reward program requires excellent organizational skills to oversee the copying and cutting of tickets for this reward program. Other responsibilities include assisting with printing and distribution of flyers, working closely with school administration on coordinating the school-wide drawings held regularly and keeping the rewards cart well stocked for our students.
Reflections Art Program Chair
For over 50 years, the National PTA’s Reflections program has helped students explore their own thoughts, feelings and ideas, and develop artistic literacy through this annual art competition. Responsibilities include developing the planning calendar, school wide outreach about the program, and selection of judges for the competition.